glass cleaning


You might try your best not to touch any glass surfaces in your house, but it's almost impossible, especially if you have kids. Fingerprints can be quite noticeable and extremely annoying, but luckily it's quite easy to get rid of them.

Kate Yakimchuk fingerprints cleaning tips maintenance washing Helpful tips 21 January 2024

Beautiful glass stovetops can stay beautiful only if you take good care of them and clean them regularly. While some cleaning solutions can be quite effective, they can also damage the beautiful surface of your stove.

Kate Yakimchuk stove top scratches tips cleaning Helpful tips 14 December 2023

Some cleaning solutions can be very versatile, and you can clean lots of surfaces and material using them. For instance, window cleaners can be quite useful for house cleaning, and they can help you not just with glass surfaces of your house.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning solutions materials washing maintenance Helpful tips 4 December 2023