garden plants


In this article, we will tell you how you can save roses after frost and damaged shoots.

roses flowers gardening gardening tips Garden March 24, 2024

Some plants can grow at the same place for many years, but others have to be replanted regularly. Therefore, if you want to spend less time on gardening, you should avoid these plants, because they are too high maintenance.

gardening tips flowers vegetables replanting Garden January 21, 2024

If you want to add some privacy to your garden, but also want it to stay light, green, and close to nature, then grow hedges! These plants can look absolutely amazing in most gardens, but they also require some maintenance and time.

hedge gardening tips growing planting Garden January 3, 2024

From many houseplants, a Money Tree is one of the most recognizable and popular plants. Its unusual name and specific appearance make it pretty popular, just like the myths surrounding it.

money tree plants facts nature Garden December 31, 2023

Garden beds can be beautiful on their own, but they can be even more beautiful when they have unusual and intricate shapes. While it takes a bit more time and effort to create them, it can also make your garden look way better.

garden beds flowers design tips Garden December 23, 2023

Before humanity created modern meds, people used to pick and grow special plants for their amazing benefits. Even now, lots of garden plants can be actually useful in many ways when it comes to health.

medicine plant benefits gardening health Garden December 19, 2023

If you want to make your garden beautiful and romantic, then you should use vines that can climb or trail around surfaces. There are multiple plant varieties that can do it, so you can choose the ones that are the most suitable for you.

gardening garden vines planting tips Garden December 1, 2023

If you're into ethnoscience, or just love growing plants that can be beneficial to your health. then gardening is a perfect hobby for you. You can grow plenty of amazing herbs, flowers, and other plants to make your health better - and it's so easy!

ethnoscience traditional agriculture health nature Garden November 28, 2023