

If you love baking and creating amazing desserts, then you probably love cheesecakes as well! The best thing about this dessert is that you can experiment with lots of ingredients to achieve amazing flavors and textures.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking ideas baking tips dessert food Cooking 23 January 2024

Simple recipes are often the best ones - and that's why so many people love cheesecakes! While there are some recipes that need no baking, classic cheesecake recipes still require you using an oven.

Kate Yakimchuk food recipe cooking baking Cooking 7 November 2023

If you love cheesecakes but hate baking them, then you can always try cooking a no-baking cheesecake! This amazing dessert can be quite diverse, so there are a couple of recipes you can try out without using your oven.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking dessert tips Cooking 7 November 2023

For some people, cheesecake is one of the easiest cakes to bake, and others still think that it's more like a nightmare. While it's actually not that hard to cook a cheesecake, there are a few things you should do right to get the right taste and texture.

Kate Yakimchuk cake cooking mistakes baking mistakes baking Cooking 5 July 2023