Cats waking you up: Pet habits

26.12.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Cats can be quite different, and while some of them are heavy sleepers, others prefer waking you up.

If you have a cat, then it might be the one who wakes you up every morning, so you don't need an alarm clock.

Let's find out why that might happen.


Your cat may be hungry and wants you to feed them. 

They rely on you for their meals, and when they feel hungry, they try to get your attention.



Cats are creatures of habit. 

They like to have a regular schedule, and if they are used to being fed or playing at a certain time, they may wake you up to stick to that routine.


Cats can be attention seekers. 

They may want to play, cuddle, or simply get some love and affection from you. 

Waking you up is their way of saying, "Hey, pay attention to me!"


If your cat doesn't have enough stimulation or toys to play with, they may wake you up as a way to entertain themselves or get you involved in some playtime.

Nature's call

Just like humans, cats need to use the litter box. 

If they need to go, they might wake you up to let them out or clean their litter box.

Energy bursts

Cats are known for their bursts of energy, especially during the early morning hours. 

They might run around, chase their toys, or play with anything they find interesting, which can disturb your sleep.


Cats are often attracted to sunlight. 

If the sun rises early and shines through your windows, your cat may be drawn to it and wake you up to let them bask in the warm rays.

Natural instincts

Cats are crepuscular animals, which means they are most active during dawn and dusk. 

Their natural instinct to explore and hunt may lead them to wake you up early in the morning.

Previously, we talked about pet parrot mistakes.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Hunger
  2. Routine
  3. Attention-seeking
  4. Boredom
  5. Nature's call
  6. Energy bursts
  7. Sunlight
  8. Natural instincts