Why crows like collecting "treasures": These birds are smarter than you might think

06.14.2023 21:10

Crows and other birds who are similar to them often collect "treasures" - small objects that they find curious or amusing.

These treasures can be shiny objects, useful sticks, and so much more.

But why do birds collect these objects?

Intelligence and Curiosity

Crows are highly intelligent birds with exceptional problem-solving abilities. 

They are naturally curious creatures and have a strong inclination to explore their surroundings. 


Collecting objects may serve as a form of mental stimulation and enrichment for them, satisfying their curiosity and providing a challenge.

Nest Decoration and Courtship Displays

Crows collect treasures as part of their intricate nest-building process. 

Shiny or colorful objects, such as pieces of metal, glass, or jewelry, can be incorporated into their nests, possibly serving as a form of visual display to attract mates. 

Play and Social Interaction

Collecting and manipulating objects can be a form of play for crows. 

They may engage in playful interactions with treasures, tossing them in the air or passing them between members of their social group. 

Associative Learning and Tool Use

By collecting objects, they can potentially learn about their properties and find creative ways to utilize them. 

For example, crows have been observed using sticks or other tools to extract food from hard-to-reach places, and the objects they collect may serve as potential tools for future tasks.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Intelligence and Curiosity
  2. Nest Decoration and Courtship Displays
  3. Play and Social Interaction
  4. Associative Learning and Tool Use