

Walking in the fresh air is good for both physical and mental health. In this article, we will tell you how to train yourself to go for walks more often.

mental health health health facts Psychology April 20, 2024

If your cat loves going for a walk outdoors, then you have to make sure that it's safe. While you can't control your pet's every move, there are still a few things you can do to help.

pet safety cat health protection tips Animals December 29, 2023

With regular walking, the leg muscles become stronger, the strength of the joints increases, which reduces the risk of fractures and other injuries. Fast walking or light running has a beneficial effect on the lungs, strengthening the heart and blood vessels.

mental health health health facts mood Psychology December 8, 2023

When you have vacations, or work remotely, then you might have days when you don't have any particular reasons to leave your house. Moreover, you might also feel like staying at home rather than going anywhere - but it's still better to leave your house daily.

health lifestyle Psychology November 21, 2023

Lots of cats love walking outside on their own, but some cats also love going for a walk with their owners - just like dogs! While not every cat has its habit, you still can train your cat to walk around with you.

pets cats habits Animals October 27, 2023
lazy boxer

Absolute most of the dogs love walking outside, and it's a pretty natural behavior for them. That's why your dog suddenly not wanting to go out can be a suspicious or even dangerous sign that something goes wrong.

dogs pets health personality Animals October 26, 2023