

To get rid of weeds, you should sometimes use special herbicides – they can effectively block new plants from growing. Meanwhile, if you accidentally used it where you didn't want to, you could kill your plants and make your soil infertile.

herbicides gardening tips growing plants tips Garden January 18, 2024

When planning a garden bed, you should think not only about its aesthetics, but also about its functionality. Different garden flowers have different needs which you should take into account before planting flowers together.

garden flowers gardening tips planting growing Garden January 17, 2024

If you love growing decorative plants, then you should provide the best possible growing conditions for them. One of the most important features is high-quality soil, but how can you find one?

gardening tips plants care ideas choosing Garden January 12, 2024

Different plants require different conditions to thrive, and that's why you should always check them before you purchase your seeds. Even if your garden has sandy garden soil, you can still grow beautiful flowers - you just need to choose the right varieties.

sandy soil garden flowers gardening plants Garden December 17, 2023

Gardeners have to learn how to work with the type of soil they have in their gardens, so they can plant suitable plants there. Also, they can buy specific soil to grow what they want - and that's a working method too!

gardening plants Garden November 24, 2023

If you want to improve your soil to make it better for gardening, then you probably should try vermiculization. It's a pretty popular method that has plenty of benefits, so it's time to learn more about it.

gardening tips Garden October 22, 2023

When using raised garden beds, or indoor planting, or just regular gardening, you can use soil mixture - it's convenient! Soil mixtures are usually pre-made and contain all nutrients your plants might need to thrive.

gardening plants Garden October 21, 2023

To make your plants strong and healthy, you have to use different fertilizers - it's like plant food that provides plenty of nutrients. For instance, you can use ammonium chloride - it's a pretty popular fertilizer that lots of gardeners use.

fertilizer gardening plants Garden October 20, 2023

In gardening, soil plays a huge role - it can basically make or break your success. For instance, heavy soil can make it way harder for your plants to thrive, so you should keep that in mind.

gardening plants Garden October 19, 2023

There are plenty of soil types available, but loam seems to be one of the best types of soil for lots of plants. Farmers and gardeners love it because plants thrive there, so they sometimes buy the soil to make gardening easier.

loam gardening tips Garden October 18, 2023

When gardening or farming, you should constantly remember about soil quality and its main features to make sure your plants are happy. One of the most important features of any soil is its acidity, because it affects your plants significantly.

acidity gardening tips benefits Garden October 15, 2023

If you want your garden to be nice and healthy, then you should plow it occasionally - and there are good and bad times to do it. Fall plowing is a great way to make your beloved garden healthier, so you should do it annually.

plowing gardening tips fall Garden October 14, 2023

When taking care of your garden plants, new gardeners often tend to choose the fastest and the most effective options available. Meanwhile, in some cases you should rather use slow release fertilizers - they can be quite beneficial.

fertilizer gardening plants Garden October 13, 2023

If you are into gardening, then you'll have to learn how to use slaked lime - it might be a great tool for you! When used correctly, it can change your gardening for the better, so it's time to learn why you might need it.

gardening tools tips Garden October 8, 2023

You already know that you can't water your plants too often or too much - it can harm them, because your plants and soil can't use too much water. That's how moisture capacity works - your garden only takes what it needs, and the rest can only damage it and make it weak.

gardening moisture tips Garden October 5, 2023

When planting something new or taking care of your plants, you contact soil every time - it's an essential part of gardening. In these situations, you usually use topsoil - a surface level of your garden soil that has plenty of unique features.

topsoil gardening tips Garden October 4, 2023

To make plants thrive, you need to provide the best conditions for them - and one of them is having fertile soil. If your soil is infertile, then your plants won't get all the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy, so you need to do something early.

gardening fertilizer plants Garden September 22, 2023

To help your plants grow well, you should loosen the ground of your garden regularly. While it's not easy or pleasant to do, it's a pretty important thing to do - or your plants won't get all the nutrients and water they need.

ground gardening tips Garden September 16, 2023

Spoiling the soil in your garden refers to damaging or degrading its quality and fertility, which can negatively impact plant growth and overall garden health.  If you're new to gardening, then some mistakes can spoil the soil and decrease your harvest.

gardening mistakes Garden August 12, 2023

You can start a garden on sandy soil - it just needs a bit more work.  While sandy soil has some unique characteristics that may require additional care and considerations, it is possible to grow a variety of plants successfully in this type of soil. 

sand gardening tips Garden August 6, 2023