Women don't always prefer masculine men: Psychologists explain

08.06.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

While men are convinced that all women date only overly masculine men, it's pretty far from reality.

Psychologists claim that more and more women prefer other qualities than strength and brutality in their partners.

Let's find out, why.

Diverse Preferences

Women may be attracted to traditionally masculine traits, while others may prefer different qualities such as kindness, intelligence, sense of humor, or emotional sensitivity.

Cultural and Societal Influences

Cultural shifts, evolving gender roles, and increased emphasis on individuality have broadened the range of characteristics considered desirable in a partner. 


As a result, women may feel more comfortable expressing a preference for partners who possess a wider range of qualities beyond traditional masculinity.

Emotional Connection and Compatibility

While masculine traits can be attractive to some, they are not the sole determining factor for long-term relationship satisfaction. 

Emotional intelligence, empathy, communication skills, and the ability to form a deep emotional bond are often highly valued by women when seeking a partner.

Evolutionary Perspective

While evolutionary theories suggest that certain masculine traits may be associated with increased reproductive success, such as physical strength or dominance, these theories do not apply universally to all individuals or cultures. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Diverse Preferences
  2. Cultural and Societal Influences
  3. Emotional Connection and Compatibility
  4. Evolutionary Perspective