Why do people fall in love with unapproachable individuals: Challenge accepted

11.06.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

It's easier to fall in love with someone who probably likes you back - it increases your chances to succeed drastically.

But some people still fall in love with those who won't ever reciprocate, or just seem too unapproachable.

Let's find out why that happens.

Challenge and excitement

The challenge of trying to win over their affections or gain their attention can create a sense of excitement and intrigue. 

Some individuals find the chase and the uncertainty appealing, as it adds a sense of adventure to the experience of falling in love.


Perceived value and desirability

The limited availability or the impression that others find them attractive can make them more appealing to some individuals. 

Projection of idealized qualities

The lack of familiarity or limited interaction can allow for the creation of an idealized image in the mind, where the person becomes a representation of certain qualities or characteristics that the individual finds highly desirable or aspirational.

Confidence boost

It can feel like a personal achievement to capture the attention or affection of someone who is considered unattainable.

Fear of intimacy or commitment

For some individuals, developing feelings for someone who is unapproachable may serve as a defense mechanism. 

It allows for the experience of infatuation and desire without having to fully engage in a committed relationship or face the potential vulnerability and emotional risks involved.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Challenge and excitement
  2. Perceived value and desirability
  3. Projection of idealized qualities
  4. Confidence boost
  5. Fear of intimacy or commitment