Signs of a Toxic Mother: Check Yourself and Your Parents

26.02.2024 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

A toxic mother negatively affects a child's development.

In this article, we will talk about the signs of toxicity in motherhood.

How to tell if you or your mother is a toxic parent

A toxic mother resorts to direct violence, regularly beating her child, without feeling any guilt and emphasizing that they themselves are to blame and that they themselves brought her down.

Toxic parents do not celebrate their children's victories. The child does not know what praise and support are

If you compare your child's progress to other children's, you are a toxic parent.


There is nothing worse for a child's psyche than comparison with others.

This gives the child a feeling of worthlessness, lack of self-confidence and strength, unhealthy perfectionism and a desire to please the parent in everything.

It is also wrong when adults transfer their problems onto the child.

A child should not play the role of an adult and be involved in showdowns, quarrels and problems.

Toxic parents often limit personal space, physically punish or emotionally humiliate, neglect the child’s opinion, and suppress the child’s emotions.

What kind of children grow up with toxic parents

Children who were raised by toxic parents grow up lacking initiative and do not understand their feelings and emotions.

It is difficult for them to make independent decisions; such people have increased anxiety and constantly live in chronic stress.

Previously, we talked about how to prevent cheating in a relationship.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to tell if you or your mother is a toxic parent
  2. What kind of children grow up with toxic parents