SAD signs: Psychologist's insights

18.11.2023 00:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

When the weather becomes cold and gloomy, lots of people start to experience depression-like symptoms.

In many cases, it's Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, and it can be quite hard to cope with.

Here are some signs that you might be experiencing it right now.

Persistent Sadness or Irritability

Feeling constantly sad, down, or irritable for most days during a particular season, especially when this happens at the same time each year.

Low Energy and Fatigue

Experiencing a significant decrease in energy levels, feeling tired, or finding it challenging to engage in regular activities.


Changes in Sleep Patterns

Disturbances in sleep, such as oversleeping (hypersomnia) or difficulty sleeping and staying awake (insomnia).

Appetite and Craving Changes

Changes in appetite, often with a tendency to eat more carbohydrates, leading to weight gain. 

There might be cravings for comfort foods like sweets and bread.

Social Withdrawal

Avoiding social interactions, withdrawing from friends and family, and losing interest in activities that you usually enjoy.

Weight Fluctuations

Significant and unintentional changes in weight, either gaining or losing, without a specific effort to do so.

Difficulty Concentrating

Experiencing challenges in focusing, concentrating on tasks, or making decisions.

Feeling Hopeless or Losing Interest in the Future

A sense of hopelessness, feeling bleak about the future, or losing interest in planning for or anticipating future events.

Increased Sensitivity to Rejection

Feeling more sensitive to rejection, criticism, or negative feedback, which may impact relationships and social interactions.

Physical Symptoms

Experiencing physical symptoms such as headaches, body aches, and feelings of heaviness or sluggishness.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Persistent Sadness or Irritability
  2. Low Energy and Fatigue
  3. Changes in Sleep Patterns
  4. Appetite and Craving Changes
  5. Social Withdrawal
  6. Weight Fluctuations
  7. Difficulty Concentrating
  8. Feeling Hopeless or Losing Interest in the Future
  9. Increased Sensitivity to Rejection
  10. Physical Symptoms