How to improve family relationships after a scandal: tips for strengthening your marriage

07.03.2024 04:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

A quarrel is always difficult for any relationship.

In this article, we will share secrets on how you can make peace after a difficult conflict.

How to make peace with your partner after a serious quarrel

Often in a couple the question arises who should be the first to make peace after a quarrel.

You can encourage your partner to reconcile, regardless of who is to blame for the quarrel.

It is important to be proactive and compromise if you want to save your relationship.


Don't wait for the other person to apologize if you know the situation could escalate or get worse.

If you are truly at fault, apologize to your partner and share how much you regret and want reconciliation.

Perhaps you feel that your behavior or words were the cause of the quarrel, in which case it is important to admit your guilt.

In addition, it is important to talk about what happened.

Don't force a person to talk if they don't want to.

However, try to make it clear that you do not want to develop the conflict further, but only want the best.

Listen carefully to each other, do not interrupt and accept emotions and feelings.

Give yourself time to cool down before engaging in dialogue.

If there is still anger left, there is a high probability of repeated conflict.

Suggest a constructive solution. Discuss how you can solve the problem and avoid this happening in the future.

If you want to make peace, be sure to talk to the person in person, and not in correspondence.

Previously, we talked about how to survive betrayal.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource