Expecting too much: why people make excessive demands on themselves

06.05.2023 17:30

Most people are taught to be productive, ambitious, and determined to achieve their goals.

While these are amazing qualities, they can sometimes affect our mental state, especially when something goes wrong.

Here are some reasons for that.

Personal standards

Some people have a strong desire for excellence and achievement, and they set ambitious goals for themselves. 

These individuals may have a drive for success and a belief that they can continually improve and reach higher levels of performance.


External influences

External factors such as family, peers, educational systems, and societal norms can create pressure to meet certain standards or achieve specific milestones. 

These influences can contribute to individuals setting high expectations for themselves to meet societal or external ideals of success.

Fear of failure or judgment

People may believe that meeting or exceeding these expectations will protect them from criticism or rejection. 

By striving for excellence, they hope to gain approval, maintain self-worth, and avoid the perceived negative consequences of falling short.

Ambition and aspirations

People with ambitious and aspirational personalities have a clear vision of what they want to achieve in various aspects of life, such as career, relationships, or personal goals. 

Their high expectations stem from their desire to reach their full potential, make a meaningful impact, or leave a lasting legacy.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Personal standards
  2. External influences
  3. Fear of failure or judgment
  4. Ambition and aspirations