Appearance over personality: Why do people pay so much attention to looks

06.05.2023 23:30

We are taught that personality matters more than appearance, but it doesn't always work when you meet someone for the first time.

Lots of amazing people struggle finding a partner, because strangers don't give them a chance to show who they are.

Psychologists claim that there are a few reasons for that.

Cultural and societal influences

In certain cultures or societies, there may be a strong emphasis on physical beauty and attractiveness, leading to a greater emphasis on appearance. 

In contrast, other cultures may prioritize values such as kindness, intelligence, or integrity, placing greater importance on personality traits.


Initial impressions

When meeting someone for the first time, appearance often becomes the first point of contact, as it is immediately noticeable. 

However, as interactions progress and individuals get to know each other better, personality traits and character qualities tend to gain more importance in shaping overall impressions.

Personal preferences and values

Some people may prioritize physical attractiveness, considering it an essential criterion in their selection process. 

Others may place greater emphasis on compatibility, shared values, and positive personality traits.

Long-term relationships

While initial attraction may be influenced by appearance, the development and sustenance of a meaningful relationship typically require compatibility, emotional connection, and shared values.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Cultural and societal influences
  2. Initial impressions
  3. Personal preferences and values
  4. Long-term relationships