Antidepressants that reduce stress: A new study on meds and effects

10.06.2023 17:30

Depression caused by stress affects many people around the world. 

The medicines we have now for depression are slow to work, can lead to resistance, and have strong side effects. 

We need better treatments.

A new study on anti-depressants

Scientists have been studying something called delta opioid receptors (DOPs) because they seem important in depression. 

They found that substances that work on these receptors are better at treating depression and have fewer side effects than current medicines. 


One of these substances is KNT-127, which works quickly and has few side effects, but we don't fully understand how it works.

To figure this out, a group of scientists from Tokyo University of Science and the University of Tsukuba used mice to study KNT-127. 

They made mice feel depressed by giving them stress, and then they gave the mice KNT-127. 

They found that KNT-127 made the mice feel better and reduced some things in their brains that are linked to depression.

KNT-127 seemed to protect new brain cells from dying when the mice were stressed, but it didn't make more new brain cells. 

It also reduces inflammation in the brain, which is a good thing.

Why it's important

This is important because KNT-127 might be a better way to treat depression in the future. 

It not only makes you feel less depressed but also helps with stress. 

The scientists hope that, with more research, this could become a helpful treatment for people with depression.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. A new study on anti-depressants
  2. Why it's important