Useful Tips: How to Remove Yellow Discoloration from a Toilet Lid

20.01.2024 05:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

General cleaning of the bathroom should be done at least once within one to two weeks.

The most frequently used areas—sinks, toilets, and bathtubs—should be thoroughly cleaned at least once a week.

How to clean a toilet lid

Make special efforts to places where there is rust and plaque.

Now use disinfectant and paper towels to clean the toilet lid.

Wipe it thoroughly from all sides. In addition, in the places where the lid is attached, a toothbrush will help.


How to treat a toilet lid

An excellent solution is a toilet seat liquid dispenser with a special antibacterial agent.

With it, you can wipe problem areas yourself, including door handles, using toilet paper.

How to Renew a Toilet Lid and Rim

Using baking soda, add baking soda to water to make a paste.

Apply to problem areas of plumbing and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Clean the seat and lid with a sponge, and then rinse with warm water.

The procedure can be repeated several times until the yellow spots disappear.

How to remove yellow stains from a toilet

For example, ordinary 9% vinegar is something that can be used to wash off yellow deposits in the toilet quite easily.

To do this, scoop out as much water as possible from the toilet, pour a generous amount of vinegar onto the inside, and let it sit overnight.

By morning the plaque will dissolve, all you have to do is lightly clean the toilet with a brush.

Previously, we told you how to remove yellowness from white plastic.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to clean a toilet lid
  2. How to treat a toilet lid
  3. How to Renew a Toilet Lid and Rim
  4. How to remove yellow stains from a toilet