Tips from an Expert: How to Choose a Sink for your Bathroom

10.01.2024 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Porcelain is an environmentally friendly material with a long service life, making it the best choice for the bathroom.

How to choose a washbasin for the bathroom

If a person is taller than average, it is recommended to choose washbasins longer than 60 cm.

For small bathrooms, it is important to choose washbasins measuring 40 cm and 45 cm.

These are compact options that will help save space.

For ordinary apartment buildings, washbasins with a width of 50 cm and 55 cm are suitable.


Which sink is better, ceramic or artificial stone

Ceramics are environmentally friendly, can withstand high temperatures, are scratch-resistant and easy to clean.

It weighs a lot (more difficult to install), is more expensive than stainless steel and cannot withstand the fall of heavy objects.

Artificial stone is hygienic, can withstand very heavy dishes, is easy to clean, and will last more than 10 years.

Which is better, glossy or matte sink

The answer to the question of which sink is better, matte or glossy, depends on what is more important to you: a glossy surface looks more impressive, but requires more careful maintenance; matte looks a little “simpler”, but it is much easier to care for.

Why does a ceramic sink crack

When objects fall into the sink or from a sharp change in the temperature of water poured into the sink, chips, scratches and cracks form on the enamel.

A sink covered in cracks looks dirty and unsightly.

In addition, cracks without repair spread in all directions and begin to resemble a spider's web.

Previously, we told you how often to change your shower head.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to choose a washbasin for the bathroom
  2. Which sink is better, ceramic or artificial stone
  3. Which is better, glossy or matte sink
  4. Why does a ceramic sink crack