Housekeeping tips: Cleaning laptop dynamics safely

19.01.2024 00:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If you love listening to music and watching films without earphones, then you should keep the dynamics clean.

Dirty dynamics can make the sound quieter, and they may also change the quality of the sound a lot.

Here are a few tips on how to clean the dynamics safely without damaging your laptop.

Turn Off Your Laptop

Ensure your laptop is completely turned off. This prevents any accidental damage while cleaning.

Gather Cleaning Materials

Get a soft brush, a can of compressed air (optional), and a clean, soft cloth. 


These will be useful in removing dust and debris.

Identify Speaker Grilles

Locate the speaker grilles on your laptop. These are usually small holes where sound comes out.

Gently Brush Speaker Grilles

Use the soft brush to gently brush the speaker grilles. 

This helps dislodge and remove any dust or particles that may have accumulated.

Use Compressed Air (Optional)

If available, use compressed air to blow away any remaining dust. 

Keep the nozzle at a safe distance to avoid causing damage to the speakers.

Inspect for Debris

Carefully inspect the speaker grilles for any leftover debris. 

If you spot any, use the soft brush or cloth to gently wipe it away.

Avoid Liquids

It's important not to use any liquids to clean the speakers. 

Water or cleaning solutions can harm your laptop's internal components.

Repeat if Necessary

If there are persistent dust particles, repeat the process. 

Sometimes, a few attempts are needed to achieve a thorough clean.

Turn On Your Laptop

Once you've completed the cleaning, turn on your laptop and play some sound to check if the speakers sound clear. 

If they do, you've successfully cleaned them.

Previously, we talked about bad dishwasher smell.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Turn Off Your Laptop
  2. Gather Cleaning Materials
  3. Identify Speaker Grilles
  4. Gently Brush Speaker Grilles
  5. Use Compressed Air (Optional)
  6. Inspect for Debris
  7. Avoid Liquids
  8. Repeat if Necessary
  9. Turn On Your Laptop