The cutting board smells unpleasant: treat it with this simple remedy and the problem will be solved

16.02.2024 05:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

The cutting board is the utensil that comes into most contact with all kinds of food products, and therefore absorbs food odors.

How to remove odor from a cutting board

Rub the surface of the board with a slice of lemon or pour lemon juice. Leave the utensils in the acid for a few minutes.

Then wipe, rinse and dry.

Lemon, salt and baking soda can remove onion, garlic, fish and other strong odors from the cutting board.

Another way is soda and citric acid. These are natural odor absorbents.


After cleaning with water and dish soap, sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda on the plastic board and rub the surface with a wet sponge or rag.

Baking soda has absorbent properties that will help remove odors.

Add citric acid on top. This product will remove all stains and marks on your cutting board.

Which cutting boards do not absorb odors

Stone boards. Cutting boards made of marble or granite are strong, durable and easy to maintain.

They do not crumble, do not absorb moisture, juices and odors, and are easy to clean and disinfect.

Previously, we told you how to remove fungus in the bathroom.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to remove odor from a cutting board
  2. Which cutting boards do not absorb odors