Open shelves in the kitchen aren't great: Trendy, but inconvenient

01.06.2023 06:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Open kitchen shelves are trendy and can look amazing, but it's often inconvenient.

If you want to remodel your kitchen to have some of them, then think twice.

Here are some reasons why homeowners like that trend way less than interior designers do.

Dust and Dirt

Open shelves are prone to collecting dust, dirt, and grease more easily compared to closed cabinets. 

This can result in more frequent cleaning and maintenance to keep the shelves looking tidy and presentable.


Visual Clutter

Open shelves can create a visually cluttered appearance, especially if there are many items on display. 

This can make the kitchen feel less organized and may require extra effort to keep the shelves arranged neatly.

Limited Storage Capacity

Open shelves offer less storage capacity compared to closed cabinets with multiple shelves and compartments. 

If you have a lot of kitchen items or limited storage space, it may be challenging to fit everything on open shelves, resulting in a cluttered and crowded look.

Protection of Items

Closed cabinets provide a level of protection and keep items shielded from accidental breakage, spills, or mishandling. 

Open shelves, on the other hand, expose items to potential damage if they are knocked over or not handled carefully.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Dust and Dirt
  2. Visual Clutter
  3. Limited Storage Capacity
  4. Protection of Items