Winter Work: Gardening Tips

17.12.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

In winter, most gardeners tend to relax - it's basically nothing to do outside when it's cold, right?

In fact, there are some types of work you can do even when it's cold outside, and it will help you later.

Here are a few examples of winter work for keen gardeners that you might enjoy.

Pruning Deciduous Trees and Shrubs

Trim away dead or damaged branches to enhance the overall health and appearance of your trees and shrubs.

Winter Mulching

Apply a layer of mulch to insulate plant roots, helping them retain moisture and protect them from extreme temperature fluctuations.



Winter is an excellent time to tackle persistent weeds. 

Pull them before they establish deep roots for the upcoming growing season.

Cleaning Garden Tools

Take advantage of the slower season to clean and sharpen your gardening tools, ensuring they're in top condition for spring.

Planning for Spring

Use the winter months to plan your garden layout, choose new plants, and decide on any structural changes you'd like to make.

Bird Feeding Stations

Set up bird feeders to attract and nourish local birds. 

They can help control pests and add a lively element to your winter garden.


Continue composting kitchen waste and garden debris. 

Although decomposition slows in winter, the process still occurs, enriching your compost.

Inspecting Garden Structures

Examine fences, trellises, and other garden structures for damage. 

Repair or replace any parts showing wear and tear.

Covering Delicate Plants

Protect tender plants from harsh winter conditions by covering them with burlap or frost cloth. 

This helps prevent frost damage.

Checking Drainage

Ensure that water drains properly from your garden beds. 

Poor drainage can lead to waterlogged soil, which is harmful to plant roots.

Previously, we talked about growing rudbeckias.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Pruning Deciduous Trees and Shrubs
  2. Winter Mulching
  3. Weeding
  4. Cleaning Garden Tools
  5. Planning for Spring
  6. Bird Feeding Stations
  7. Composting
  8. Inspecting Garden Structures
  9. Covering Delicate Plants
  10. Checking Drainage