Knitted and rubber gloves: Gardening tips

04.11.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

To keep your hands safe, you should use gloves for gardening - that's an ultimate tip!

You have to choose between knitted and rubber gloves, because they are created for different purposes.

Let's find out more about them.

Knitted Gloves

Knitted gloves are soft and stretchy, which means they usually fit nicely on your hands.

They allow air to flow through, which keeps your hands from getting too sweaty.


They're great for tasks that require a gentle touch, like planting seeds or handling small plants.

You can wash and reuse knitted gloves, which makes them cost-effective in the long run.

They don't provide much protection against water or wet soil, so your hands might get damp.

They can wear out faster, especially if you're working with rough materials or thorny plants.

Rubber Gloves

Rubber gloves keep your hands dry, making them ideal for tasks involving water or wet soil.

They're tougher and can withstand more rugged gardening activities, like handling tools or dealing with rough materials.

They provide a good barrier against thorns, sharp objects, or rough surfaces.

Your hands might get sweaty because rubber gloves don't allow much air to pass through.

They can be a bit bulky, which might make delicate tasks a bit more challenging.

They might not be as comfy as knitted gloves if you're wearing them for a long time.


In a nutshell, if you're doing light, delicate work, knitted gloves could be your best bet. 

But if you're tackling tougher, messier tasks that involve water or rough materials, rubber gloves are the way to go. 

Sometimes, having both types handy for different gardening jobs can be a great approach!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Knitted Gloves
  2. Rubber Gloves
  3. Conclusion