Humates and their benefits: Gardening tips

09.10.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If you want your garden to thrive, then you might need humates - special substances that can help you plant a lot.

In this article, you'll learn more about them and why they are so beneficial for gardeners and farmers.

It's education time!

What are these?

Humates are natural substances that come from decomposed plants and other organic materials. 

They are often used in gardening and farming, and here's why they can be helpful in simpler terms:


Improving Soil Quality

When you add humates to your soil, they help make it better. 

They can make clay soil less sticky and sandy soil hold more water. This means your plants can grow in healthier soil.

Adding Nutrients

Humates contain essential nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, and minerals. 

These nutrients are like food for your plants, helping them grow stronger and greener.

Enhancing Root Growth

Plants need good roots to stay strong. 

Humates can encourage root development, making your plants more stable and able to absorb nutrients from the soil.

Retaining Moisture

Humates can help your soil hold onto moisture, so your plants won't dry out as quickly. This is especially useful during dry spells.

Balancing pH

Soil pH is like a scale that measures if the soil is acidic or alkaline. Humates can help balance this pH, making it just right for your plants.

Reducing Soil Erosion

They can also help prevent soil erosion by making the soil more stable. This is important to keep your garden or farm soil from washing away during heavy rains.


In simple terms, humates are like a natural boost for your soil. 

They make it better for your plants to grow, giving them the nutrients and stability they need. 

So, if you want healthier plants and a thriving garden, humates can be a great addition to your soil.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. What are these?
  2. Improving Soil Quality
  3. Adding Nutrients
  4. Enhancing Root Growth
  5. Retaining Moisture
  6. Balancing pH
  7. Reducing Soil Erosion
  8. Conclusion