Gardening insights: Unusual facts about pumpkins

31.01.2024 05:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Not only exotic plants, but also pretty regular ones can have some amazing qualities you don't know about.

For example, pumpkins can surprise you a lot – not only by their varieties and shapes, but also the way they grow and reproduce.

Let's find out more about this plant!

Many Colors

Pumpkins come in more colors than just orange. You can find them in green, white, yellow, and even red!

Giant Pumpkins

Some pumpkins can grow really, really big. 


The world record for the heaviest pumpkin is more than a ton—imagine a pumpkin as heavy as a small car!

Lots of Seeds

Each pumpkin has a lot of seeds inside. 

People often roast and eat pumpkin seeds, and they're crunchy and tasty.

Not Just for Halloween

While pumpkins are famous for Halloween decorations, they're also yummy in soups, pies, and other tasty recipes.

Berry or Not?

Botanically, pumpkins are berries! 

That's because they have seeds inside and come from the flowering part of the plant.

Grows Fast

Pumpkins grow really fast. In just a few months, a tiny seed can turn into a big, round pumpkin.

Origin Story

Pumpkins are native to North America. Indigenous people have been growing and using them for thousands of years.

Versatile Uses

Pumpkins aren't just for eating. They're used to make pies, soups, and even lattes. 

People also use them for crafts and decorations.

Healthy Goodness

Pumpkins are packed with good stuff like vitamins and fiber. Eating pumpkin can be good for your health!

Different Shapes

Pumpkins can be oval, round, tall, or squat. 

They come in all kinds of shapes, not just the classic round pumpkin you see at Halloween.

Previously, we talked about lawn maintenance mistakes.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Many Colors
  2. Giant Pumpkins
  3. Lots of Seeds
  4. Not Just for Halloween
  5. Berry or Not?
  6. Grows Fast
  7. Origin Story
  8. Versatile Uses
  9. Healthy Goodness
  10. Different Shapes