How to choose a comfortable bowl for a dog: basic criteria

26.02.2024 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

A dog bowl is an important purchase for your pet.

In this article, we will tell you how to choose the size, material and height of the bowl.

How to choose a dog bowl

Small bowls are purchased for small dogs, medium bowls for medium-sized dogs and large bowls for large dogs.

However, you need to proceed from the size of an adult dog. A small bowl is best for a puppy.

Nevertheless, to prevent unnecessary waste, you can take a bowl for an adult dog.


Regardless of whether the dog has eaten everything, the bowl must be removed 20 minutes after feeding.

What material is best for a dog bowl

The best solution is a stainless steel bowl.

This model is extremely strong and durable.

In addition, for ease of use, you can choose a bowl with a stainless steel saucer and a stand made of another non-slip material.

If the bowl is made of stainless steel, then it does not deteriorate, does not break, and is easy to clean.

This way, the food will not fall on the floor, but on the stand, which will reduce your time for cleaning.

In addition, the dog will not chase the bowl across the floor, since the stand prevents slipping.

At what height should you place the bowl

When a dog eats from floor level, its stomach moves slightly forward and the esophagus is located almost in a straight line.

To make it comfortable for your dog to eat food or drink water, the top edge of the bowl should not be located above the middle of his chest. In addition, it must be well fixed.

We previously told you why a kitten ignores its name.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to choose a dog bowl
  2. What material is best for a dog bowl
  3. At what height should you place the bowl