Dog Habits We Misunderstand: Know More About Your Pet

14.12.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Humans have an amazing ability to understand gestures and emotions everywhere, including dogs. 

While it can be quite useful sometimes, it can also lead to misunderstandings.

Here are a few things dogs do that people might misunderstand.

Tail Wagging

While a wagging tail can signal happiness, it's not always an indicator of a dog's mood. 

Dogs may wag their tails when nervous or anxious, emphasizing the importance of considering overall body language and context.



Growling is often associated with aggression, but dogs can growl for various reasons, including playfulness, fear, or discomfort. 

Proper interpretation requires assessing the situation and understanding accompanying cues.


Though licking is a form of affection, it can also indicate stress or underlying health issues. 

Context-specific observations are necessary to discern the meaning behind a dog's licking behavior.

Avoidance of Eye Contact

Some people mistakenly interpret a dog avoiding eye contact as a sign of guilt. 

However, dogs may avoid eye contact due to anxiety or submission, not necessarily guilt. 

Recognizing these subtleties is crucial.

Leash Pulling

Pulling on the leash during walks is often viewed as a dominance display. 

In reality, dogs may pull due to excitement, curiosity, or a lack of leash training. 

Positive reinforcement and consistent training can address this behavior effectively.

Previously, we talked about Abyssinian cats.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Tail Wagging
  2. Growling
  3. Licking
  4. Avoidance of Eye Contact
  5. Leash Pulling