Befriending wolves: Is it possible for wolves to become friends with humans?

13.07.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Wolves are beautiful and intelligent animals, so lots of people like them, and sometimes even see them as "big and slightly angry dogs".

While it's possible to befriend wolves, it's still pretty dangerous to do so, even for professionals.

Let's find out more.

They are still wild

While it is possible to establish a bond between wolves and humans, it is important to understand that wolves are wild animals and maintaining a close friendship with them is challenging and potentially dangerous. 

Wolves are highly intelligent and social creatures with complex behaviors shaped by their wild instincts. 


They have a natural fear of humans and are often wary of human interactions.

Creating a bond with a wolf requires extensive knowledge of their behavior, needs, and appropriate handling techniques. 

It typically involves raising a wolf from a very young age through a process called imprinting, where the wolf is exposed to human presence and socialization. 

Even with extensive socialization, it is crucial to remember that wolves are still wild animals with unpredictable behaviors.

They aren't pets

Additionally, in many countries, keeping wolves as pets is illegal due to concerns for their welfare and public safety. 

Wolves have specific dietary, environmental, and social requirements that are difficult to meet in a domestic setting. 

They need large territories to roam, specialized diets, and interaction with their own kind to maintain their physical and psychological well-being.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. They are still wild
  2. They aren't pets