Befriending a Stray Cat: Be a Good Pet Owner

15.12.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Wild cats can be quite afraid of people in general - even if those people feed them and mean no harm.

If you want to befriend a wild cat to help it, then you should be patient and persistent.

Here are a few tips on how to befriend a wild and scared cat safely.


Spend time observing the cat from a distance. 

Avoid direct eye contact, sudden movements, or loud noises.


Quiet Presence

Sit or stand calmly near the cat without approaching. 

Allow the cat to get used to your presence without feeling threatened.

Feeding Routine

Establish a consistent feeding routine. 

Place food at a distance and gradually move it closer over time. 

This helps associate your presence with something positive.

Slow Movements

When the cat seems more comfortable, make slow and deliberate movements. 

Avoid sudden gestures, which may startle the cat.

Interactive Play

Introduce toys or objects that the cat may find interesting. 

Engage in interactive play from a distance to build a playful association.

Respect Boundaries

Allow the cat to set the pace. If the cat retreats or shows signs of fear, give it space. 

Respect its boundaries to build trust gradually.

Soft Vocalizations

Use soft and soothing vocalizations to communicate. 

Avoid loud or harsh sounds that might scare the cat.

Offer Shelter

Provide a safe and comfortable shelter for the cat, like a cozy box or hiding spot. 

This gives the cat a secure space to retreat when needed.


Be consistent in your approach.

Regularly spend time with the cat, maintaining a routine that helps establish familiarity and trust.

Previously, we talked about dog breeds and their diseases.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Observation
  2. Quiet Presence
  3. Feeding Routine
  4. Slow Movements
  5. Interactive Play
  6. Respect Boundaries
  7. Soft Vocalizations
  8. Offer Shelter
  9. Consistency