Salad mistakes: Things that make your salads dull or too heavy

06.04.2023 19:50

Salads are perfect for summer - they are light, fresh, and delicious.

At the same time, some cooking mistakes can spoil the perfect balance of taste and texture.

Here are popular salad mistakes.

Using too much dressing

Dressings can add flavor and moisture to a salad, but using too much can make it heavy and calorie-dense. 

Be mindful of portion sizes when adding dressing and consider lighter options like vinaigrettes or opting for dressings on the side, so you can control the amount you use.


Overloading with high-calorie toppings

Be cautious of adding high-calorie toppings like croutons, bacon bits, fried onions, or excessive amounts of cheese. 

While these toppings can enhance flavor, they can also significantly increase the calorie and fat content of your salad.

Not washing fruits and vegetables properly

It's important to wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before using them in a salad to remove dirt, pesticides, and potential contaminants. 

Adding ingredients too far in advance

If you're preparing a salad in advance, it's best to add more delicate ingredients like avocado, fresh herbs, or crispy toppings just before serving. 

Ignoring portion control

Be mindful of the quantity of ingredients you add, especially calorie-dense items like nuts, cheese, or dressings. 

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Using too much dressing
  2. Overloading with high-calorie toppings
  3. Not washing fruits and vegetables properly
  4. Ignoring portion control