Why does a cat like to sleep next to its owner: interesting explanations

12.04.2024 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Cats often want to sleep near people. In the article we will tell you what causes this behavior of the animal.

Why does your cat want to sleep in your bed

Thus, cats seek physical warmth and protection, which they need for self-preservation.

In the owner they feel protection, a reliable rear that will carefully guard their carefree sleep and rest.

In addition, one of the reasons why a cat sleeps on its owner is your smell.

It is the aroma of our body that creates the necessary feeling of security and has a calming effect on the animal.


The desire to be closer to a person can manifest itself as part of the animal's individual behavior and attachment to you.

Many cats enjoy physical contact and attention from their owner.

In addition, next to the owner, it is easier to assess the situation and react to it.

That's why cats love to sleep at people's feet.

Cats are also attracted to the sounds of a person's heartbeat, as well as the movement of their belly when breathing.

This calms the cat and gives it a feeling of peace and security.

Previously, we talked about how cats communicate with each other.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource