

In the realm of romantic connections, a study by CU Boulder neuroscientists involving prairie voles reveals a biological signature of desire, shedding light on why we feel a stronger pull towards certain individuals.  The research shows that the neurotransmitter dopamine plays a crucial role in nurturing long-term bonds. 

Kate Yakimchuk research in love brain activity relationship Psychology 30 January 2024

Some people tend to love unapproachable strangers, others quickly fall in love with anyone who slows even a bit of attention. It's often hard to understand how these patterns work, but psychologists claim to know the answers to your questions.

Kate Yakimchuk love attention self-esteem confidence Psychology 21 October 2023
happy cat mom

Cats can be quite affectionate - though they are usually quieter and less energetic than dogs, you can still see their emotions clearly. They often express love towards their owners and other cats as well, and you can clearly see when your pet likes someone.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets love signs Animals 11 October 2023
pet snake

While pet snakes don't feel affection in the same way that mammals like dogs or cats do, there are ways in which they might exhibit behaviors that some owners interpret as a form of attachment or recognition.  Snakes have very different behaviors and responses compared to mammals due to their physiology and evolutionary history. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets snakes nature Animals 3 September 2023